10-03-2019 - 10-03-2019

An event held at S.M. Joshi Sabhagruha, Pune where around 250 invitees from community leaders were given a presentation about childhood obesity and shown the fild 'The Zero Life'. they were invited to take prt in our mission Fight Childhood Obesity Awareness. A Maha Drawing competition in schools in Pune District and rest of Maharashtra was launched and the invitees made aware of and requested to help organize.

Project Details

Start Date 10-03-2019
End Date 10-03-2019
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs rotaract Club of Koregoon Park, Rotaract Club of Viman Nagar
Non Rotary Partners Sahyadri Hospital, JT Foundation, Indian Medical Association, Pune Municipal Corporation,
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment